Feedback is 🔑
As athletes, getting good quality feedback is extremely important. We want to know if and how much we’re improving over time and how we’re doing compared to the competition.Athletes can now, easier than ever, get real-time feedback both when the coach is and is not present, and use it as a tool to spark their intrinsic motivation.
In this study, 34 athletes over 6 weeks participated in drop jump training 3x per week and were separated in 3 groups:
1️⃣ First group received no feedback at all on how high they jumped. Their jump height increased by 6%
2️⃣ Second group received feedback on half their reps. Their jump height increased by 10%
3️⃣ Third group received feedback on EVERY rep. Their drop jump performance increased more than twice compared to group 1, to 14% ‼️
Do you currently utilize real-time feedback in your training? If you do, how has it affected your performance? Let us know in the comments👇 #trainsmarter
Michael Boyle on VBT (Velocity Based Training)
How to increase your vertical leap by 5% in just 6 weeks 🚀